Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Marriage Days Are Back!!

Hello Guys, An estimated stuff says that One Lakh plus marriages are happening on the coming 23/24/25 of Nov,17. High demand for all the items related to marriage starting from musicians to floweriest. Enjoy the rush !!!
Long weekend ahead. #Thanksgiving and #BlackFriday follows !! Enjoy the discounts!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Platform Paradigm

Often we look into the things to change themselves for better. We always  need a device which gives everything we imagine. Looking into smartphones is a new way of life. We watch it more than anything in this world. If god comes alive, we search our phone to capture the moment than enjoying it. Whats more than GOD!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Digital World

We developed by looking into several civilizations from beginning, also learn few new paths of life. I always feel that we are very much blessed of our discoveries and inventions. One has to agree that golden era was 19th and 20th century. May be earlier centuries also good but not present life style. A wooden wheel might help them but not us. Likewise the new digital world changed the way of living.